Unsolicited Advice
Why wait for readers to ask questions before suggesting solutions? An advice column that cuts out the middleman.
"How do you know when you're actually right about something and it's not just hubris and confirmation bias?"
You never know you're right, you just settle into a state of "this is how it looks to me at the moment"
How to remember a new PIN / digit-based password
There's a set of digit mnemonics (created, as far as I know, by a Kevin Trudeau for some cassette-based memory-training course in 1995).
"If it's rude to interrupt, how do you politely interrupt someone who (rudely) interrupts/talks over you?"
It's part of a bigger question of, "when someone breaks the social contract, how do you operate in the new, broken environment?"
When teaching someone how to do something, tell them how to do it badly
Whenever you can't do something exactly as you should, when something has to give, you need the expert to tell you what to prioritise and what to do 'badly'.
Wanting something is only barely related to enjoying something
The brain system that makes you feel an urge to get something - whether that's food, seeing friends, a cigarette - is separate from system of enjoying something.
“Be yourself” is terrible advice
The story of someone who thought of themselves as a provocateur who was just being their authentic self, and then realised they were just being an asshole and should stop it.
Lukewarm water, not cold, is best for a burn
Cold water also stops blood flowing to the area, and you need bloodflow to heal
Technically parenting advice but mainly intended as insight into your own childhoods
Kids are learning emotional literacy, and mislabelling emotions is confusing and makes it harder to process them.
How to tell someone their loved one has died
At the start of the conversation, say "I've got some really sad news about [Person] I'm afraid."
"Don't ask a question if the answer won't change your behaviour"
I think it's also a sign that you're circling and seeking more information to put off making a decision.