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Unsolicited Advice

Why wait for readers to ask questions before suggesting solutions? An advice column that cuts out the middleman.

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Photo of Author Dave Farland. Not everything is fixable, and that's better than the alternative.

It's okay that not everything is fixable

There's a fallacy that if we can define the solution space, a solution must exist that fits there. But the fundamental problem was, "Dave is dead."

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Chronos is clock time, whereas kairos is living time.

Chronos vs Kairos: Understanding how the Ancient Greeks viewed time will make your life richer

“Chronos” is measured and counted, while “kairos” is lived and experienced

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Is it cowardly to break up with someone via text? (No)

Is it cowardly to break up with someone via text? (No)

A text break-up is a sign that one person did not trust the other (good reason to break up, hey). Why would you automatically assume that mistrust was irrational?

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Enjoying haiku

How to enjoy haiku

One of the best things I’ve learned recently is how to enjoy haiku. Now I pass on this knowledge to you.

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frozen because i have a responsibility at any point in the future

The “I can’t start any tasks because I have an appointment in 5 hours” problem

If I have basically anything scheduled in a day, my brain goes into “waiting mode”. Like, that appointment is the next thing on the list, can’t do things out of order, so can’t do anything.

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Expanders: People who expand your sense of what's possible in a life

Expanders: People who expand your sense of what's possible in a life

They're not necessarily role models - you might not want to be like them in a lot of ways - but when you meet them you realise your life could be a bit bigger.

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On favour-sharking (emotional loan-sharking)

On favour-sharking (emotional loan-sharking)

Favour-sharking is when someone does a favour for you totally unasked for and possibly unwanted, in order to make you feel obligated to them.

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Make your personal admin tasks slightly more delightful by renaming them

Make your personal admin tasks slightly more delightful by renaming them

One a lot of people do is making their passwords something fun to type. That's the right approach: something that makes you happy but is kept secret, so you can be unashamedly dorky.

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Why optimisers are always late

Why optimisers are always late

Optimisers break stuff because they try to carry everything down to the car in one go instead of making multiple trips.

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Leaving Facebook was easier than I expected

Leaving Facebook was easier than I expected

I'd been agonising about it for literally years so I had this plan where I was going to do it and then write to you about the Experience but it was frankly such a non-event that I don't have much to say.