Be More Functional
Variety of tips and tricks that help my ADHD brain keep my life more or less together, and might help you, too.
You don't do certain things because you're 'that type of person' - you're that type of person because of the things you do
"This idea — that who you are abides somehow outside of what you do — is the defining fantasy of our culture, and it appeals particularly to children."
How to put things where you won't lose them and other tips for naturally messy people
"If you are looking for something in your house, and you finally find it, when you’re done with it, don’t put it back where you found it. Put it back where you first looked for it."
Which side will your margin of error fall on?
If your plan is based around perfect judgement and no mistakes ever, that is a terrible plan.
Why trouble comes in bunches
So a thing I do pretty often is catch the wrong tram and not realise until I've gone way past the point where the two tramlines diverge, and then have to walk a bunch of blocks across to where my proper tram is. And I swear this always
When discarding, don't obsess over sending items to their perfect home
Should you be taking on extra part-time work selling or distributing second-hand goods?
Why big temperature changes mess you up: science
If it's hot one day and cold the next, or vice versa, you might find yourself more sluggish, or stressed, or just generally jagged up.
There are two kinds of curiosity
Interest-based is when you feel pulled to learn something new. Deprivation-based is when you realise you're lacking knowledge.
Suggestion for people who want to do stuff with friends, but get frustrated organising groups of friends to do stuff
Don't ask people if they want to do something - tell them what you're doing and ask if they want to come along