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McKinley Valentine

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The Whippet #173: Heavy Business Pigeon

The Whippet #173: Heavy Business Pigeon

For this project, scientists attached weights to some scrawny pigeons as a social experiment. Those pigeons became more aggressive and shot up the pecking order

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Giving first aid / CPR does a lot of good, even if you don't save their life

Giving first aid / CPR does a lot of good, even if you don't save their life

If your loved one died, I think you would care a lot that someone was with them, trying to save them, vs finding out that no one attempted to help.

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The Whippet #172: Skeuomorphic Ghosts

The Whippet #172: Skeuomorphic Ghosts

It occurred to me the other day that a ghost is a skeumorph. Specifically, the reason they look like this in pop culture, is because Europeans used to bury their dead in white shrouds.

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The Whippet #171: A delicate, narrow snout and a pleasant disposition

The Whippet #171: A delicate, narrow snout and a pleasant disposition

You know all those videos of Floridians, like, leaf-blowering an alligator to get it to leave a dollar-store carpark or whatever?

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The Whippet #170: The best thing I know about bones

The Whippet #170: The best thing I know about bones

It's not a single fact, it's completely changed how I conceptualise bones. I had thought of them as more or less inert scaffolding, not living organs

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Leader of the Pack Dalle-generated

The Whippet #169: A feeling in search of a cause

We dignify big emotions and dismiss smaller ones, but maybe what we talk about in art/philosophy and what we're allowed to express in daily life are not the same?

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Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Brazil, paper collage, DALLE-2

The Whippet #168: An indulgent loss of focus

"During the rainy season, the valleys among the dunes fill with freshwater lagoons, prevented from draining due to the impermeable rock beneath."

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The Whippet #167: Just trucking right along

The Whippet #167: Just trucking right along

World turtle! Reliability v. accuracy. Treat horseshoe. Neurological flexibility. Lashtabs. Task-saturation!

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The Whippet #166: What part of rubeville are you from?

The Whippet #166: What part of rubeville are you from?

"There is something flamboyant about these boots which does not suit the average Englishwoman or go well with our sober English streets."

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The Whippet #165: Blood, ink, shark, moon

The Whippet #165: Blood, ink, shark, moon

Carl Sagan's plan to nuke the moon, squids create false bodies out of ink, and more