EQ & Interpersonal
Ways to be kinder, have better relationships, and annoy people less (everyone is a bit annoying, it's okay)
Making new friends in adulthood
Framing it so you give a reason as to "why am I asking you now, when I never have before?" and lowers the emotional intensity
The science of gift-giving
A few research papers into how we go wrong when buying gifts for others. The mistake of overindividuation When shopping for multiple people, you tend to get different things for different people (because it seems impersonal to get everyone the same thing) and as a result, tend to buy worse
On living apart from your spouse
It’s really nice knowing that, every time you see your partner, it’s because they made the choice to be with you, not just because they happened to be in the same physical location by chance anyway.

It's okay that not everything is fixable
There's a fallacy that if we can define the solution space, a solution must exist that fits there. But the fundamental problem was, "Dave is dead."

Chronos vs Kairos: Understanding how the Ancient Greeks viewed time will make your life richer
“Chronos” is measured and counted, while “kairos” is lived and experienced
Is it cowardly to break up with someone via text? (No)
A text break-up is a sign that one person did not trust the other (good reason to break up, hey). Why would you automatically assume that mistrust was irrational?
On favour-sharking (emotional loan-sharking)
Favour-sharking is when someone does a favour for you totally unasked for and possibly unwanted, in order to make you feel obligated to them.

Expanders: People who expand your sense of what's possible in a life
They're not necessarily role models - you might not want to be like them in a lot of ways - but when you meet them you realise your life could be a bit bigger.
"How do you know when you're actually right about something and it's not just hubris and confirmation bias?"
You never know you're right, you just settle into a state of "this is how it looks to me at the moment"
"If it's rude to interrupt, how do you politely interrupt someone who (rudely) interrupts/talks over you?"
It's part of a bigger question of, "when someone breaks the social contract, how do you operate in the new, broken environment?"