The Whippet #161: Not glowy enough out there
Ghost light, Alexander wept, liquid mirror telescope, Voynich Manuscript AMA, science of gift-giving
The science of gift-giving
A few research papers into how we go wrong when buying gifts for others. The mistake of overindividuation When shopping for multiple people, you tend to get different things for different people (because it seems impersonal to get everyone the same thing) and as a result, tend to buy worse
The Whippet #160: Make a fish expert angry today
Listen, I have bad news about Interpol and being an Interpol agent; hunting down international jewel thieves in an exhilarating game of cat-and-mouse.
The Whippet #159: The gem in the robe
Cybernetic and gubernatorial share the same root, so you get a DALL-E-generated image of a cybernetic governor
The Whippet #158: Jackdaw Democracy
Sooty black with silver cape and a smoky opal iris. A municipal inspector of kerbs, with a wide-legged gait, as though its bootlaces had come undone.
The Whippet #157: Rat snakes, strong snakes, wine snakes, germ snakes
A 19th C woman whose Wikipedia page includes the headings Authenticated feats of strength and Authenticated feats of heroism...
Mobility Routine Experiment
Trying 19 of the most recommended mobility routines on Reddit
The (mini) Whippet #156: Do not panic!
Hello! A brief one this fortnight: Sharks smell in stereo You know how humans can tell what direction sounds are coming from because our ears hear sounds a split second apart, so they can triangulate distance between the two? And it's automatic, you just 'know' that
The Whippet #155: Do spiders dream of electric flies?
Stale-bread soup, nepotism for your nep-hews, should you punch a lion in the face?, spiders have dreams, study suggests!
The Whippet #154: Refuge in audacity
There ought to be a word like "landmarks" but for time. Life events that you use to determine when other things happened. Chronomarks.