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Unsolicited Advice

Why wait for readers to ask questions before suggesting solutions? An advice column that cuts out the middleman.

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Write your future self an email with FutureMe

Write your future self an email with FutureMe

Write yourself an email when you've just accomplished something so later you can remember and remember how proud you were then (it's so easy to normalise level ups in your life).

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What we get wrong about fame

What we get wrong about fame

There are two requirements: a local requirement (a spark), and a global requirement (the ability of the fire to spread).

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Just because something ends doesn't means it failed: a poem

Just because something ends doesn't means it failed: a poem

Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew

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When someone asks you for a rough estimate and you don't have one

When someone asks you for a rough estimate and you don't have one

It's super frustrating when you have *literally* no clue and the better-informed person refuses to even hint at what the range might be.

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It's totally fine not to cook or like cooking!

It's totally fine not to cook or like cooking!

It's historically really really new for every individual to be cooking for themselves.

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Trying not to get your hopes up: Y/N?

Trying not to get your hopes up: Y/N?

There is nothing protective about pessimism.

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Why perfectly nice people say things they don't mean

Why perfectly nice people say things they don't mean

Some people say "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help?" and what they mean is "the thing you just told me is really sad, and I am feeling, in the present tense, a strong emotion of caring about you"

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You will probably never feel brave or interesting or mysterious

You will probably never feel brave or interesting or mysterious

what you feel when you're being brave is: scared. You will actually probably feel weaker and shakier than when you're not doing anything particularly brave.

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Keep your house less cluttered by dealing with greyspace

Keep your house less cluttered by dealing with greyspace

If you struggle with clutter, I bet you a billion dollars you don't have proper solutions for your greyspace stuff (grey as in, neither one thing nor the other)

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How to remember a thought you have while someone is talking so you can bring it up afterwards (rather than derailing them)

How to remember a thought you have while someone is talking so you can bring it up afterwards (rather than derailing them)

Conversational pins! I use this constantly, and I take it so much for granted that I almost never tell people about it, even though it is one of the most practical things I use.