EQ & Interpersonal
Ways to be kinder, have better relationships, and annoy people less (everyone is a bit annoying, it's okay)
Trying not to get your hopes up: Y/N?
There is nothing protective about pessimism.
Why perfectly nice people say things they don't mean
Some people say "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help?" and what they mean is "the thing you just told me is really sad, and I am feeling, in the present tense, a strong emotion of caring about you"

You will probably never feel brave or interesting or mysterious
what you feel when you're being brave is: scared. You will actually probably feel weaker and shakier than when you're not doing anything particularly brave.
How to remember a thought you have while someone is talking so you can bring it up afterwards (rather than derailing them)
Conversational pins! I use this constantly, and I take it so much for granted that I almost never tell people about it, even though it is one of the most practical things I use.
"What to do when you and your domestic partner have wholly different eating habits?"
It seems to me this question is not really about food. Because no one writes in for advice on simple scheduling issues.
Thoughts don't create actions. Thoughts create emotions, emotions create actions.
You think that if you don't be a bit harsh with yourself when you genuinely mess up then you'll let yourself get away with it in future, etc, etc.
Mental health tips from babies
You have to remember that you're probably as strongly affected by tiredness as the kid throwing an absolute tantrum.
Why do women cry more than men?
"According to research, women cry 30 to 64 times a year, whereas men cry just 6 to 17 times per year."
Be less easy-going about sickness (originally written 2017)
Getting a cold sucks SO MUCH and most people don’t do the slightest thing to prevent spreading it.
How to handle narcissists
Begin by reinforcing the value of this person, and your relationship with them. (This is probably a lie: we're talking about surviving in a bad situation.)